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Project     Holding Space

Reconnecting with ourselves, each other and the natural world around us

Honouring our need for digital disconnect in our hyperconnected world

  •  Do you need a break from technology?

  • Do you want to find a better balance with your use of digital devices?

  • Are you concerned about how modern day technology usage is affecting children and their development?

Having made a complete lifestyle change a few years ago, we found ourselves reconnecting with the natural world, learning to grow in harmony with nature and discovering old skills that we'd forgotten.

We found ourselves feeling better, happier and realised we just didn't have time for the constant swiping, clicking and distractions from our previous way of being!

We're like to share our journey with you.


Upcoming Events

Below you will find the events we have coming up over the next few weeks

Shared Earth

Digital Detox Gardening

Fancy leaving your devices behind and getting stuck in working on the land? Come join us on Saturday 21st September


Get in Touch

We would love to hear from you if you feel you would benefit from what we're doing

Thank You for Reaching Out!

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